Parents & Friends
The Parents’ and Friends’ Association helps to foster community interest in education, promote closer liaison between the school and community and assist with fund raising for school amenities. Meetings are held monthly and are advertised in the school newsletter. All are welcome to attend, both to form new friendships and help share the work load. New members are elected at the Annual School Community Meeting to fill vacancies which may exist.
Parents and Friends are welcome to be involved in the daily life of the school. This can be achieved through classroom activities such as listening to children read, being involved in hands on activities, cooking or art lessons etc.
The P & F organise a tuck shop each month. Parents are asked to donate food items. New parents are asked to contact the P & F Secretary for more details.
1. A menu is supplied by the P & F.
2. The student takes home a note on the Friday before tuckshop.
3. The parents fill in their child’s request.
4. The child returns the order and the correct money in an envelope to the classroom teacher.
Children bring along some small change on tuck shop day to spend on extra goodies.
Donations of food can be left in the kitchen in the Parish Hall.
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