General Information
School Hours
8.30am to 3.10pm
Recess | 10.30am - 10.50am |
Lunch | 12.40pm - 1.20pm |
Teachers can not assume responsibility for children before 8.30am or after 3.30pm.
Parents are encouraged not to take their children on extended holidays during the school term.
Kindergarten sessions are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.50am to 3.10pm.
Children attend Pre Primary for five full days per week.
Supervision of Children
Teachers have a legal responsibility for the care and supervision of the school children. A Duty of Care Policy is laid out under the terms and conditions of the teacher’s employment. Students who are marked present on the school roll are supervised in both the classroom and the playground, during school hours.
The school gates are opened at 8.30am and children are to have left the premises by 3.20pm, unless they are involved in extra curricula activities.
The responsibility of supervision outside of these hours remains with the parents. After school hours and during weekends, students are not permitted in the school grounds to play as this is then termed as trespassing and legal formalities can be implemented. If a student is with their parents on the school premises out of school hours, the parents are responsible for the care and safety of the child.
Students Records/Emergency Contact
Parents are asked to keep the School Office up to date with their child’s current records.
Parents are asked to keep the School Office up to date with their child’s current records.
This information includes
- Home address and phone number.
- Working parent’s contact phone numbers.
- Family Doctor’s contact phone numbers.
- Emergency contact phone numbers. (other than parents)
Administration Matters
The School Office hours are Monday – Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm. Visitors are requested to enter the front or rear door of the office. The staffroom and office are not a thoroughfare for visitors.
Staff Meetings
Staff meetings are held every Tuesday afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
These meetings are held for reporting, discussion and workshops to plan curriculum and/or school events and provide opportunities for staff to work collaboratively.
Socialising is an important factor for staff for renewing, problem solving and celebrating together. Morning tea and lunch times at school are valued times for staff to take their break without interruption.
Money Matters
In the event of children bringing money to school for fees and other costs, it is essential that such money be placed in an envelope labelled with the child’s name, class, the amount enclosed, the purpose of the money and given to the classroom teacher.
Students Leaving School Grounds
Parents are to notify the class teacher if a child is to be taken out of school during school hours. The parent is to collect their child from the front office after signing the appropriate book in the Office.
Absentee Notes
Children in Years PP-6 are required by law to attend school every day. In case of illness the School must be notified by 9.00am. On return to school a written note must accompany the child giving reasons for the absence.
Each child’s attendance is documented on a daily basis in the classroom. If attendance becomes irregular or if a child is often away without a note being handed to the class teacher, the following procedure will take place.
- The family is contacted by telephone, or by mail to discuss the situation.
- If the child’s attendance continues to be irregular or infrequent, the appropriate legal service will be contacted.
- Family and Children’s Services will be contacted if a parental situation causes truancy or poor attendance.
- The Truancy Officer based in Geraldton will be contacted if the child is making the decision not to attend school.
Custody Matters
The parents of a child of a marriage are, under Family Law, both guardians and custodians of their child. This gives both parents equal rights and responsibilities in respect of a child of a marriage. Where the marriage has ended, but there is no court issued parenting order in respect to the child, both parents remain guardians and custodians of their child, though in reality the child may only be living with one of the parents. Where there is an operative parenting order, there may be separate guardianship and custodial roles for the parents. Parents are to inform the Principal if special circumstances exist pertaining to the guardianship of their children. Copies of all parenting orders should be made available to the Principal.
Parent/Teacher Communication
There are several ways for parents and teachers to have open communication regarding the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of their children.
- Each child has a communication book in which both teachers and parents can communicate in writing.
- Teacher-Parent meetings by appointment at a mutual convenient time.
- Parent /Teacher Meetings at the commencement of a new year.
- Student Portfolios containing work samples from across the nine Learning Areas of the Curriculum Framework Document.
A newsletter is emailed to families in weeks three, six and nine. This is the main line of communication between school and home. Parents are informed of all coming events and any recent decisions regarding you and the school. Please make sure the school office has your correct email address.
Assemblies are generally held at 2.40pm in the Parish Hall on every third Thursday and organised by individual classrooms. Parents and Friends are most welcome to attend. The schedule will be advised on the Term Calendar which is sent home with the Newsletter.
School Travel
Students are brought to school by either car or bus.
The bus stop is at the path next to K-PP Centre. Parents who require the bus service must contact WA Bus Services on Phone (08) 99611260.
Car travel: Parents are to deliver and pick up their children at the school gates in Doney Street.
Walking to school: the entrance is Doney Street.
Racks are provided within the grounds for students’ bikes. Bicycles are not to be ridden in the school grounds. Children walk their bicycles into the school yard from Doney Street.
Booklist Requirements
Booklists are given out at the end of Term 4 each year. The items can be purchased at the local newsagency or any place that suits the family. Throughout the year, there may be minor items to be brought along for art and craft as well as, replacing the necessary working tools, such as: pencils, glue, ruler, coloured pencils and erasers.
Smoking and Alcohol
Our school site is totally smoke free at all times – this applies to buildings and grounds. We ask parents and other visitors to support this community expectation when visiting our school – this applies both in and out of school hours.
Likewise alcohol and other drugs are not permitted on the school site.
The P & F organise a tuck shop each month. Parents are asked to donate food items. New parents are asked to contact the P & F Secretary for more details.
- A menu is supplied by the P & F.
- The student takes home a note on the Friday before tuckshop.
- The parents fill in their child’s request.
- The child returns the order and the correct money in an envelope to the classroom teacher.
Children bring along some small change on tuck shop day to spend on extra goodies.
Donations of food can be left in the kitchen in the Parish Hall.